It’s bad enough when a celebrity does one dumb thing.

When they do three dumb things in less than a minute, though, it sends their PR team into hyperdrive!

You can probably figure out the first two dumb things this female pop star did.

The third is publicly dating a non-celebrity.

For someone her age and rising stature, that’s a no no.

Justin Bieber can screw no-names and impregnate backup dancers behind the scenes… but he makes sure that his public girlfriends are celebrities. This pop star’s team is still sifting through damage control strategies, but you should expect to see something today to counter the negative publicity she has brought upon herself.

As of yesterday, they were still debating the merits of a downplaying (denial or “She was just fooling around”) versus a full admission and apology and “moving on.”

Either way, there will certainly be a few star-spangled outfits and a new celebrity beau in her future!

Ariana Grande
Dumb things
1. She licked donuts
2. She said: “What the f**k is that? I hate Americans, I hate America. That’s disgusting.”
3: She was with her boyfriend/backup dancer: Ricky Alvarez


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