Anyone who accuses this actress of doing things just for the publicity probably doesn’t realize that she doesn’t even have a publicist.

She has always simply done exactly what she wanted to do.

When she was younger, she used to do a lot of wild and destructive things, and she was unhappy a lot of the time.

Now, she’s calmer and more constructive, and she is much happier.

Not perfect, mind you, but genuinely happier.

And she is still doing exactly what she wants to do.

There are four things about which she is genuinely passionate: her business, her charitable work, her husband, and her kids.

She also has to take care of her health issues.

That’s where she puts her time.

That’s where she puts her energy.

It’s a very full life.

There definitely isn’t any time or room for phony people who want to latch onto her to boost their own profile.

She knows that this actor’s marriage is a sham.

That’s why she didn’t go to his wedding… and that’s why she’s not going to let his phony new wife use her.

Actress: Angelina Jolie
Husband: Brad Pitt
Actor: George Clooney
Actor’s New Wife: Amal Clooney


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