
Apparently at least one man is set to come forward to describe a sexual assault at the hands of this A- list mostly movie actor who is doing television right now.

The A- list actor is mostly closeted when it comes to his hookups with men, although he has never outright denied being with men. The thing about this particular assault is it was recorded by the actor.

It s unknown if the recording still exists, but it was recorded.

James Franco

It Doesn’t Sound Like You’re “a Little Gay,” James Franco

While we may get annoyed with you for being a queer-baiter, I know you’re not to blame. The more you ambiguously hint, the more we eat you up. The LGBTQ+ media nearly exploded after you mentioned you’re “a little gay” in your recent New York Magazine interview. You’ve consistently teased us, always in the form of art or humor, which has allowed you to keep your personal sexual orientation a mystery. You’ve kissed men on multiple occasions, and in many of your movies have made not-so-subtle references or jokes about your sexuality. You even sat down and conducted an interview with yourself between your dual personas: Straight James and Gay James.

In your recent interview, a promotion for your newest film King Cobra, about gay porn stars, you stated:

… [I]f your definition of gay and straight is who I sleep with, then I guess you could say I’m a gay cock tease. It’s where my allegiance lies, where my sensibilities lie, how I define myself. Yeah, I’m a little gay, and there’s a gay James.

A little gay, ay? Mainly straight? Talk about bi-erasure much?

Before we get too much further, let’s look at the most accurate and inclusive definition of bisexuality from bisexual advocate and scholar Robyn Orchs. She said:

I call myself bisexual because I acknowledge that I have in myself the potential to be attracted — romantically and/or sexually — to people of more than one sex and/or gender, not necessarily at the same time, not necessarily in the same way, and not necessarily to the same degree.

Now that we’re on the same page, I want you to know that my goal isn’t to force you to identify as bisexual — or anything for that matter — if you don’t feel it encompasses your sexual identity. If you don’t want your sex life and sexuality to be in the spotlight, that’s your prerogative, and I respect your decision. But from how you behave and what you say, it seems you do like having the question of your sexuality at the forefront of your career, which is why I think it’s acceptable for me to discuss it openly. – Read more here

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