She is rich but she always thought she would marry a billionaire.

This reality star was planning on an engagement to her boyfriend by the end of this year. However, she just found out that her very rich ex is suddenly single. She loves [her actor boyfriend] but her ex is a billionaire. She is rich but she always thought she would marry a billionaire. She was thinking that maybe she would just touch base with [her ex] to see how he’s doing.

He has two other women he hooks up with on a regular basis

This former A list reality star with A+ list name recognition who was hated at an A list level thinks it is love with her new boyfriend. He has two other women he hooks up with on a regular basis because he needs a break from the 24/7 smother fest the former reality star does in her relationships.

She thought the news would go over better there

This former A+ list reality star who everyone hates apparently only finally got around to telling her new boyfriend about her gift that keeps on giving while they were out of the country on vacation because she thought the news would go over better there. Umm, maybe when you first started having sex would be better.

It is not like she is donating things she paid for.

This former A+ list reality star who everyone still hates likes to pretend she is doing good by donating things to charity. Yes, she is donating but it is stuff she got for free. It is not like she is donating things she paid for. Oh, but it won’t stop her from taking the tax deduction.

Our escort wanted the guy for herself.

I know I have talked about our former almost A- list mostly movie actress turned escort a lot this week, but it just is the gift that keeps on giving, much like if you have unprotected sex with her. Anyway, she pulled several hairs out of the head of this D list celebrity offspring who is hooking up with this bazillionaire. Apparently this former A+ list reality star set the whole thing up in return for a $1 M deal to buy some of her overpriced products. Our escort wanted the guy for herself.