Of course, he still doesn’t think the baby is his, so there is that.

While promoting her new movie, this actress/pro beard for hire is not responding on the record about her boyfriend/baby daddy. That should tell you all you need to know. She should never have tried to make it work and just stayed out on the west coast. Of course, he still doesn't think the baby is his, so there is that. Although, this would never have happened if he had remained faithful in his marriage. Anyway.

He wants proof.

See, the math has always been the sticking point for the comedian. For this to work, the actress and the comedian would have been hooking up prior to going to rehab or a split in his marriage, which of course contradicts everything about meeting in church or some kind of nonsense and why he doesn't think he is the father. He wants proof.

She traveled about 10 days a month total.

There is at least one woman I know of who was paid low six figures to travel mainly to NYC and LA, even at the height of the pandemic when no one was in airports or on planes. She did this traveling because she was hired to entertain reporters and editors and even local politicians for the celebrity CEO. She would get a call and told to fly to whatever city and to meet the guy at whatever restaurant and told how many days or nights she would have to be there.

He didn’t think the child was his. Interesting.

There was a couple months where this pregnant actress/pro beard was here in Los Angeles while her significant other was on the opposite coast. They were not seeing each other. The actress was asked why and she said that for the longest time, the significant other didn't think the child was his. Interesting.

He is like the Kardashian of the comedy world

Remember what I have always said. This A-/B+ list actress is one of the best beards money can buy. She got a brand new gig and couldn't be more excited. She even put a little backstory to the whole thing which totally contradicts everything her "boyfriend" has said in the past about his beliefs.