She called it the worst night of her life.

She called it the worst night of her life. She never spoke to the actor again. Hated him. He would force her to confront him though by having his publicists leak casting rumors that she was going to be in his next project. So, of course reporters would ask her about it and she would have to relive that night all over again.

The Worst Of All Time

I often get asked who the worst casting couch director/producer/actor etc is. There are definitely specific categories that have clear winners, but there is one individual who went above and beyond in the way he treated women. He owned adult magazines, but also non adult magazines too.

It is the good stuff.

This one named permanent A+ list singer is going to face the same issues that the last incarnation of her biopic faced. A total gloss over of everything she did before she became famous and how she got her big break. It is the good stuff.

They really do hate each other.

This A list singer who wishes she was an actress has several finsta accounts that always praise the singer while always trashing the permanent A+ list one named singer. They really do hate each other.

Even her own publicist has no idea what to do any longer

Even her own publicist has no idea what to do any longer about the strange world in which the permanent A++ list singer resides. We are witnessing in real time what happens to someone when the powers that be decided your time is up and the celebrity melts down instead of going away silently until some lifetime achievement award in a decade or so.

It creeped him the hell out.

An offspring of this permanent A+ lister says one of the reasons he was desperate to move out was her insistence every day about asking him if he had masturbated the day before and what he had thought about it and then discussing his sexual thoughts. It creeped him the hell out.

It is sad to see.

At this point, the permanent A++ list singer ignores calls from her publicist and manager and continues to fall apart in front of our eyes. Each day, she she shows how far she has fallen and her thirst for attention. It is sad to see.

She should just quit

The one named permanent A+ list singer should just quit. At this point, she is just screwing with people and is iffy every night if she will show up to perform.