Our B-lister is being hit with offers left, right and centre.

Scandal usually harms career, but that isn't the case for the subject of our blind item today. Our B-lister is being hit with offers left, right and centre. Better than any of his past gigs. It helps that he's one of the most liked talents by executives, but it's still quite shocking considering the circumstances. Expect an announcement on his career prospects very soon.

TV Guy was a threat that he wanted eliminated, one way or another

While some of this TV Guy’s colleagues are voicing their sadness about his being forced out of his job, this one is definitely happy about him leaving! You might think that it must be a woman who didn’t like TV Guy’s misogynistic remarks. No. It is actually a man who was convinced that TV Guy was watching him, waiting in the wings, ready to take his on-air job. TV Guy was a threat that he wanted eliminated, one way or another.

He just cannot understand why Putin will not give him and his entertainment show a tour of the Kremlin

Which pushy TV host is such a disaster in Sochi that his network is considering flying him home EARLY. "He thinks he’s the only reporter at the games," a member of the press in Sochi tells NAUGHTY BUT NICE ROB. "He just cannot understand why Putin will not give him and his entertainment show a tour of the Kremlin. He is delusional." Known for his strong beliefs and his love to party, this host might be sent home early. "It is a world-wide event. And just because he has a famous last name does not mean everything will be handed to him on a silver platter."