Given the histories of these two drama queens, we were a little surprised that we hadn’t heard anything about either of them from the set of their new TV show.

Until now.

It turns out that one of the actresses was sure that the other actress was getting more lines than her in a particular episode. So she had a crew member sit there with the script and actually count the number of lines each actress was receiving!

The crew member later told others on set: I sat there and started counting, but as soon as [First Actress] walked away, I stopped.

The whole thing was so stupid!

But I knew that if I didn’t confirm her theory that she would just go on about it.

So when she came back I told her that [Second Actress] did get more LINES, but that [First Actress] actually had more total WORDS, so her part was actually bigger.

I even made up some numbers to go along with it, and that seemed to satisfy her.

Lea Michele
Emma Roberts
Scream Queens


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