Remember we told you a few months ago about an actress who would not commit to a famous actor until he cleaned up his act?

Well, he promised to do so, took all the right steps toward keeping that promise, and the two entered into a formal relationship.

However, they are not living happily ever after. Why not? Because he’s dirty again.

In fact, he is dirty in almost every way possible! Let’s start with his personal hygiene.

That’s taken a total dive.

Our film star actually thinks it’s funny when people back away from him because he smells bad.

However, that’s the least of his problems.

The bigger issue is that his sobriety is completely gone, and he is now back to being wasted every day.

That’s the real reason he recently got hurt.

However, if you tend to believe the silly cover stories some publicists tell (“He broke his jaw because he slipped on a puddle while he was totally sober!”), you’ll believe his, too.

How does his better half feel about all this? Well, she’s frantic.

She really loves him and cares about him, but he started avoiding her as soon as he started using again.

He knows he screwed up.

He just doesn’t want anyone to confront him about it.

Johnny Depp
Amber Heard


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