“I was cast as an extra in a movie with a friend.

The lead actor has been famous for a long time, so they made us do something I had never done: sign an agreement saying that we could not discuss religion on the set at all, and we would not make eye contact with the lead actor.

At first I thought it was weird, but due to his reputation, I decided it wasn’t that surprising.”

“When we get ready to film, the lead actor gets on the set and starts having a full-on breakdown.He’s pulling at his shirt, saying that it was choking him and he can’t breathe.

Then he rips off his shirt and runs off the set.

The crew immediately puts all of us extras in the holding room, and a full eight hours later, we get an announcement that says the lead actor is sorry for what happened and wanted to treat everyone to Starbucks to make up for it.”

Tom Cruise

Source: http://www.refinery29.com/

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