This very famous actor has starred in more than 20 films.

He is well-liked and well-respected in Hollywood, and is friends with a close-knit group of actors.

He pretty much has it all: fame, money, respect, wife and kids, etc.

However, you may be shocked to learn that he also used to have a boyfriend. A serious boyfriend. When he got his first big break and was asked to move to Los Angeles, he was told to leave his boyfriend behind.

Given the choice between love or stardom, he chose stardom.

His boyfriend was miserable about the choice, but always held out hope that the actor would return to him.

It never happened.

Our actor has been very disciplined about maintaining the appearance of a straight man.

He is not one of those guys who you will ever catch in some sort of scandalous steam room incident or secretly visiting gay bars.

He has a wife who doesn’t know anything about his past.

Will he ever tell her? Doubtful.

He is living the good life and there is no reason to upend it with the truth. There is no going back.

Matthew McConaughey
Boyfriend: Daniel McCullough


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