Here it comes.

The wave.

For the past several years I have been throwing water on every guy this momager tries to plant as a boyfriend to this A list reality star with a side gig.

You and I both know who it is.

Whether the momager thinks it will ruin the brand if her daughter comes out or if the mom has other reasons, I don’t know. Here is the thing though.

For these years I have been throwing water, their side has been quiet.

Cricket quiet as the star moves from one girlfriend to the next.

Now though, things are different.

In the past month, several (at least three that I know of) gossip sites who run blind items have conveniently run blinds about the reality star and her impending coming out and how the whole family could not be happier.

It is like blind item kneepads.

Where were they years ago?

I guess they had not been given their marching orders from the momager.

Kendall Jenner


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