
Over the past several months, three attempts have been made by two different freelance journalists to access a three acre section of a multiple acre property still owned by the family of an A++ lister.

Even though security in most of the property is fairly basic, this three acre section has trip wires, an armed security response and now a barbed wire fence is being built around the three acres. Superficially there is nothing remarkable about the three acres.

It is empty wilderness that is parched dry much like the rest of the vast property.

About eighteen months ago some wildlife was in the area and would not leave the three acre area.

It was never ending and a wildlife exert was brought in to see why.

This wildlife expert was not asked to sign a NDA because the owners didn’t think there was going to be a reason to have one signed so the expert investigated without having to keep their results secret.

That has since changed, but for the first several days, the expert told several people what they discovered and why the wildlife was going crazy.

A mass grave had been dug up by the wildlife.

The owners assumed it was the bones of small animals and the area was a feeding area.


The bones were human.

There were lots and lots of them scattered throughout the area.

The wildlife had dragged them to all corners of this area.

Apparently what has leaked out is the bodies are about 25 years old.

There have always been rumors floating around that around Christmas when these bodes were buried that this at the time A+ list singer visited.

Not only did he have his way with the wife of the owner (who knows nothing else and would have said something for sure), but also, as a thank you present from the owner was introduced to some young tweens who were visiting because they were homeless orphans.

Things got out of hand and the story goes the bodies were buried where no one would ever look.

Maybe not people, but the wildlife did.

There is definitely something there being protected that didn’t use to be and for no apparent reason.

Property: Neverland

A++ lister: Michael Jackson

Wife: Lisa Marie Presley

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